I felt like I wanted to do some writing and I usually do writing for myself on my own website but for now I think it's not a bad idea to use Mobafire to at least express myself to some people.

So coaching, it's really quite popular in tradional sports and even in professional League of Legends. We hear about professional teams needing a coach to help them get better in League of Legends and so the question is quite simple. For a normal player like myself and probably yourself, do we need coaches to make ourselves better and in relaity the answer is quite simple.

Do we wish to get better faster?

Everyone can learn how to play League of Legends without a coach but the knowledge a coach can give to you, that's what is interesting. I'm not saying we need a coach to get better in League of legends because everyone can get better but it's the amount of time it takes to get better, that's the question. I like to play League of Legends because it's fun platform is fun and there is skill in beating your lane matchup and the enemy team but it kind of sucks when you do beat your match up but the team is still better than you.

I love being able to carry and the feeling that the enemy is helpless against you whilst they try all their efforts to beat you and really that's why I love playing League of Legends. To get that feeling and also to play with my friends who love playing with me because for whatever reason they seem to have in their mind. I don't really know why they would like to play with me xD. All the same in the end of the day, I have always said this though, if you want to get better in the game, you need to find someone who is willing to watch your replays or play with you.

If we want to get better, then the mistakes we are making need to be sorted and the stuff we don't know anything about, needs to be learnt so we decide differently given the information we just learnt. This is where the coach comes in. Whilst a lot of good players can play the game very well, conveying why they are doing somethings in the game, can't be understood to the person trying to learn and this is kind of where coaching comes in.

Coaches are really good in the game but what makes them stand out is there understanding they have in the game whilst being able to help you convey what's going on and what they are doing wrong. In the same time, suggesting how to fix what you are doing wrong in ways which you can understand and teach you how to get better in the game via giving you new information which you didn't know about. LoL Academy for example give out this service and they have many of coaches to decide from which you can check out yourself.

I'm not saying coaching is needed to become absolutely amazing in the game but it's getting someone to be able to help you to get better when you have tried everything. It's not easy to always try on your own and even in Sword Art Online, Kirito who was a solo player for the majority of the game, even he parties up eventually so you know, don't try to do it yourself all the time.