Alright, I've not ever made one of these before, but this was so surprising that i just had to. I just got finished with a game on League, nothing ranked or anything that i was surprised we came out on top. The start looked decent enough. We had Amumu Jungling, Malz going Mid, Gankplank as top and i was playing Support Moakai. Looks decent right? All we needed to round this out was an ADC, and who does our last person instalock with 1 second left? Rammus....I'll give you a moment to let that drill in while i go make myself a sandwhich. -Comes back a couple of minutes later- We good? Good

So the game starts off, and we're paired against what seems to be a decent team, with Riven facing our GP top, Rengar in the jungle, Cass in mid and Ashe/Nami going bottom. Top fed....HARD. I think riven had 5 or 6 kills before the laning period was over. Mid did well enough, but lost overall. However against a cass it wasen't really a surprise. And then it come to me and rammus bottom.

We.... Destroyed. I am not kidding, i expected this to be a 20 minute surrender match, but i believe before 15 minutes was even up, bottom outer turret was down and me and rammus both had 4 kills with 1 death, simply due to tower diving them for kills. Combine that with the fact of amumu CC later game((Top needed to be baby sat the entire time so we diddn't see one gank)) and malazar coming into his own late game with our cc, we won. I don't know how, i still think it's a dream.