So I've been having a lot of identity crisis lately with lanes and roles. I used to play ADC a lot but as I started to play with a group more and more people wanted to play their roles and I was left often to jungle.

That kinda change though, I queue with two groups (not including mobafire), a 3 man group (we play summoners rift) consisting of myself, a Mid laner, and a mid/jungle/support player with the infrequent play of ADC is one of them. In the group I tended to be stuck jungling or solo topping. I hated both roles at first.

However, while playing with a 5 man premade consisting of two mid laners (one often ADCs as draven though), a jungler, a dedicated support, and myself, I noticed I had no choice but to solo top. I ended up playing Solo top the first game and using Cho'gath, taking my lane easy and teleporting to contest a dragon and steal it with feast, at this point, and a few times after where I nearly got a penta with Cho', I began to play top more, and even jungle.

So my two least favorite roles I've been playing much more frequently and actually enjoying. I'm on a 6-0 win streak with Jayce and I'm looking into learning Lee Sin, Irelia, Yorick, and Rumble for more diversity. I also have Vlad and Galio for the occasional AP top (though I'm not so sure on Galio so much).

Anyways I've finally decided to move on from ADC and become a Dedicated Solo top player with jungle as my second role.