I became a referee two months ago, and as I've gone through and played several inhouses and hosted several inhouses, I've began to notice a few things.

1. People don't go off of the Inhouse list. We have sign-ups that aren't even used, why do we even have them? well it makes it a lot easier for me to do things, but I mean, why do I need them if I'm just pulling people from the mobafire chat and balancing based on wins and prior knowledge. They're not really even a rough estimate since half the people who sign up don't show and half the people who show never signed up. I feel like we should either enforce signups or just get rid of them again, we don't use them anyhow.

2. People don't show up. People need to commit to being at inhouses or say they won't. On the NA server, we host two separate inhouses, one for higher win players and one for lower win players. it often times becomes us waiting for 30 minutes to start because one dude doesn't show up and never told us. Please, if you say you'll be here, commit to being here, or at least try to tell us if you can't.

3. People complain about balancing. It's not easy to balance every game so perfect that it's an hour long game with even kills and turrets right down to the last second. If you get stomped, you get stomped, I did my best to balance, I'm not a diamond ELO smurf, if I win my lane, it's not because I'm too good, or anything, I just plain won, I can't balance any better than I do, or I would.

4. People don't use vent. It's in the rules to be in vent, but please, if you have a mic, try and make sure you can talk, it makes it a lot easier on us.

5. People show up without reading the rules. This I'm really tired of. It takes 5 minutes to read the rules and understand them. Do it.

6. People don't stay for the 5 minute discussion. This isn't a rule, but it's a good way to learn, please try to stay for the 5 minute discussion. I won't start any sooner if you leave, and you might learn something from it.

7. People don't pay attention during balancing. This isn't team select, I need your attention. I shouldn't have to say your name 10 times. seriously, pay attention.

8. We have to run 2 separate inhouses or people complain. I understand and enjoy this, There are a lot of good players and a lot of decent players, but sooner or later, you have to realize that we'll bridge the gap, and that we'll end up stuck with them anyways. I personally like to do two separate inhouses, but I won't be able to forever.

9. People lack communication. This is partly because people don't use vent, and partly because we're not a hardcore premade. But you really don't have to complain and ***** about it, and if you do (I sometimes do), at least try to realize it and apologize. You can't get perfect communication every time, so don't complain if taric gives first blood because he initiated when he thought you were ready.

10. People take it to0 seriously. It's for fun, and to learn! don't get all mad if you lose guys, you did great, even if you're 5/10/0, because it's all about learning, not about winning. have fun, kick back, and play with some buddies. Yeah we might get a bit upset, but if we do, we try to give tips and not insults. just do your best, relax, it's not ranked!

I really enjoy inhouses, I think they're something that should stay. They're fun, and the community enjoys them, I think we should have different options as well, I want to host dominion and ARAMS once and awhile, and will be scheduling a few soon. There are a few problems, and the players tend to not relax like they should, but come on guys, keep coming, keep having fun, I love these and I hope you do to!