Hey guys, im SiAreEx, better known as RedZyphyr on LoL, but i'm here to give thanks to the people who have taken a look at my builds. I've posted 2 decent builds for 2 of my favorite champions, Shen and Talon. Shen has been up for 2 days and i have over 1k veiws and i'm really excited. :D and Talon has hit about 620 views and 7 votes. and i'm liking the community here because they're honest and they're not complete ***es about it, it's just plain constructive criticism. I'll put both links in the bottom

Shen: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/shen-im-that-ninja-165403

Talon: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/talon-burst-them-down-165666