This is about an easy strat for Zed in the midlane. When you get in lane, go to your own wraiths/raptors and when they spawn at 1:40 take one of the small with a Q + 2 * AA, afterwards go to lane. This will give you an experience advantage, as you will level up after the first minion wave instead of 1 wave + 1 minion as normal. You come back in lane perfect timing to last hit the minions too, so you wont miss CS.

Hitting level 2 is very key to getting the advantage over your enemy laner. Your damage will be higher and you hit the powerspike quicker. I have tested this in more games, and it works.

If anyone knows why this isn't used or talked about, please contact me. Imo this strat is really good, and I can't find any negatives to it. You will lose health from the raptors, but its really nothing, maybe 50hp, so it can't be that.

I don't know if this works for other Midlaners, but it works perfectly for Zed.