** My text does not show as 100% what really think about the game today, because only presents a superficial view of the arguments **


I was playing lately and stopping to think about how the game has changed. Really, if you think about it, we will have positive and negative changes (depending on your point of view).

If we look back, that League of Legends 1 year (or sometime next) ago, is not the same today.

During Season 2, the number of players incriased, which in my opinion has caused a certain "problem" to the game. Various opinions are always welcome. However we have to accept that hears a huge number of players with opinions and attitudes totally wrong and without any basis.

Many champions have been released, which to me, is being a little bad. For the interval between them has become less and with 2 or even 3 champions in a month, the thing becomes a little monetary.

Many items added, I think it promotes better playability of the game.

However, I would like to hear what you have to say about Season 2. Not the championship in itself, but the time when the season lasted (in itself, the year 2012). Feel free, let's discuss!