
So I promised to start up a scrub's version of getting to a high ELO state through jungling.

I have found that playing the jungler in a ranked game sucks majorly. If anything goes wrong in a lane, you "didn't gank enough," "you weren't listening," and "you suck so much" after not getting as much farm as the fed laners get.

Jungling is pretty damn hard, and what makes it worse is the frequency of invades in the ranked scene. I have found that in the case of a ranked jungle, I have completely changed my jungle champions to accommodate recovering from an invade. I went from hard-core jungle Dr. Mundo to... Not exactly playing him at all anymore. It's all because, sure he gets insanely good late game, but I can't rely on me being able to do ANYTHING as a jungler because... quite frankly I don't know who's going to be on my team.

It's all about teamwork. I had a beautiful game where my team was nice, I ganked pretty well, set up a few kills and we won a hard fought ranked game because of our combined efforts (I was Lee Sin, he's a really good starting jungler for any rookies out there!) I find the easiest way to start as a jungler is to start with "please," "thank you," and "(:" Laners like to be accommodated, as well all do, and as a jungler you can't afford to seem like a jerk.

For those of you who do not jungle, give them the benefit of the doubt. If you don't follow us up, of course we are going to die and be crying about follow ups. Just my thoughts.
