So this is my first post ever. Basically the life of a League of Legends player isn't always easy you know between your typical trolls, and flamers , and all the salt that comes with the rift. Or even worse when your internet ****s out on you and dodges the final ranked match in your series so no silver for you. I personally started playing League in 2013 so a couple of years now. I started out as an ADC main but was only so good at it, then I found support and fell in love, it was the first role I felt really comfortable in. I used to be very kill hungry tower diving every chance I got like a typical new player with no real concept of the game it took some getting used to. There is so much that goes into League its crazy to think about. Understating champion mechanics and how to counter pick, counter ward, map awareness, noticing the timers on summoner spells, being able to time dragon, and baron, when to split push, and when to group, how to position correctly paying attention to character animations, predicting enemy pathing. Most things in the game takes a split second decision reaction time its so important that's why many people use quick cast, but I just cant I need to see my pathing. As a support I love setting the plays up or poking and harassing the other team for my carry, it came so easy to me it was something I was naturally good at. Now when I first got ranked I was bronze 5.... I was stupid I ranked when I wasn't ready and that has really set the tone for my ranked life which is Elo hell. I did start a ranked climb however carrying myself as the original Soraka before she got changed and I will forever be sad about it I don't care what anyone says she was my main I climbed from Bronze 5 all the way to 1 with her and then before I could get to silver it ended and then they changed my beloved champion. Currently I main Sona season 5 and I am again so close to silver. I truly want to be a better player I know its something I desperately clutch to because for some reason this game is so important to me. I want to be pro its a dream, maybe it will never happen maybe its a stupid dream according to my Fiance but its my dream. Recently I through my friends I found a team that is working on becoming pro and getting coached, I heard about it because one of my good friends in on it then my best friend tried out and became a sub then moved up to a main. I was super jealous I wanted to be apart of it so bad but there were no spots, and every time they practiced I had to work. Finally there were a couple of sub spots open and I knew I just had to get it, it became all I thought about. Unfortunately I bombed my try out,now I have this thing where I can deal with stress and pressure but when it happens to where I know someone specific is going to harshly judge me I get so nervous its hard to function I ended the game as Sona with a score of 1/3/24 which is a good KDA but I just didn't play like my normal self. I had kept dying at the beginning the game because blitz grabbed me so i made the decision to be passive, and my ADC kept just going in even though we couldn't fight them head on. We needed to be passive, ultimately I did well the rest of the game but my laning phase was significantly weak, and I knew it. I did however get another go at it and ended up playing Nami and played a lot better my score was 1/3/16 at the end and I wasn't as nervous but still pretty on edge. I made the team and I was super happy about it until next time .... XOXO