Before I tell you this story, you have to know about me. I was taught to play Nasus by a friend and after I moved to Volibear.These two champions are my two mains. I normally play with a group of people in one room; however, we play separately from time to time. I used to have a win loss difference of about 24, and I felt like I was on top of the world because of a nine win streak. Although I was doing well at this point, I began to go down after this because I was feeling arrogant and apathetic about all of these games. I spent time playing online during an all-nighter and playing in my sleepless state rewarded me with several losses, five to be exact, consecutively. I then continued on this slippery slope after trying to play with a fair amount of sleep. My consecutive losses were up to 11. These losses were due to many things: bad team fights, bad teams, bad laning phases, and bad timing. I desperately needed a win. I premade with a friend who is an excellent carry as Akali and that was my first victory. Immediately after is where my story really begins. I go into queue with another friend of mine who mains Graves. His Graves isn't amazing but he does well. I wait to see what the teammates will pick and I see a Leona, Fiddlesticks, and a Soraka. Seeing, that we had AP covered I was thinking who did I want to see more Volibear (affectionaltely simply "The Bear") or Nasus. Nasus seemed to fit more for me so I decided to call my old friend to the fields of justice. I saw the enemy team at loading screen with a Katarina, Kassadin, Skarner, Udyr, and Fiddlesticks. I was worried but didn't mind the potential of a Fiddlesticks v Fiddlesticks laning situation.Top lane had Soraka and Graves v Katarina and Skarner mid was Fiddlesticks v Fiddlesticks. Which leaves my lane Nasus and Leona v Kassadin and Udyr. My mind was racing with thoughts of the potential for another horrible loss. Just as I was typing no early fights to my lane partner, I fall prey to some astounding lag. I clicked back to my turret and I see my lane partner's life fall fast, but she makes it out and we try to start this laning phase of right. Leona allows me to take the Creeps for my Q and it was pretty conservative, that is until Kassadin got zealous and tried to focus me(you never focus a Nasus, Esp. My Nasus). He was stunned by Leona for is arogance and quickly fell by my staff. Udyr, who was right next to me recieved a swift wither and siphoning strike and slow by Leona, a couple of basic attack, and he was gone. This surprised me. I was never really the keeper of the kills early game, but this game was different. right after the same scenario plays out again, only closer to turret; Making the kills that much faster. I am 4 and 0 Kill-Death and I am hopeful. The battle is clearly won ealrly with bottom lane feeding me to a 10 and 0 by 7 minutes in. This match become a troll game. The team DPS champions, Graves and I, start trolling and dying a little but not without pushing turrets and taking dragon and baron. I'm still at 10 kills when Leona is in the enemy jungle looking for my help, she rushes towards me and I grab a triple kill(Hardly heard of in my games). Then, when I spot another, I get a quadra. I screamed "QUADRA KILL MOTHERF*CKERS!!!" as I get kill number 18. I catch 7 more kills to bring me to 25 before the inevitable victory with only 5 deaths. The Team Kill/Death/Assists was 50/37/86. Truly a streak-ender for the records. A screen shot does exists and here it is.
Happy Summoning,
