So today I reached level 24. I'm almost at level 30 so I've decided to blog my journey. All draft mode games I compete in I will review on this blog.



We ban: Shaco, Kass and Cass
They ban: Karthus, Morgana, Master Yi

So I got 3rd pick. I wanted top but first pick took Riven and called top. and pick took Malz and said he can't play mid, so he would go bot. I decide to go bot and play Ez. Jungle Malphite. Last pick takes Kat. Last pick decides he no longer wants to play mid Kat and we switch giving me Kat.

Other team goes top lane Panth, bot lane Sivir and Soraka, mid lane Fizz and Jungle Warwick.


So the other team had a much superior team comp, and we where all switching positions in the draft so it didn't look good for us. Malz turned out to be boss and got the games first 3 kills. Me and Fizz where very evenly matched. We traded kills about 10 minutes in. Malphite got Fizz on a gank and I got WW with Malph's help. We lost top tower early but Riven recovered and pushed there's. I ended laning around 3/1/1. In team fights me and Malz carried, he had about 8 kills, sivir and soraka fed him. Sivir wasn't even worth focusing, and once Panth went down there whole team would be done. We picked up an ace around 25 minutes in and pushed down the inhib turret. We where fed, I was 6/1/3, so we went baron. We used the buff to score another ace, clean up top and bot turrets and knock down all three inhibs. I was about 8/2/4.
Pantheon was able to lead his team in the next fight with a triple kill forcing me and Malz to retreat, he made a bad turret dive and we took him down. The rest of our team spawned and we took another baron. As we left Baron we caught the other team out of position, Malz got a quad and we pushed to win. I finished 9/2/7