Start "Corupting potion" 500 gold

Do not level up anything lvl 1 until you want to "W" your wave of minions, maybe you get collapsed on in bush or something so u can level up your "E" to escape not to waste your "Flash".

Go to lane, in bush and wait for 1:20 to place ward(depends on enemy jungler what's his clear red or blue start, if he starts red i like to ward his blue side cuz mostly they clear red crugs raptors then wolfes blue crug scuddle and gank mid or top, or opposite if he starts blue)

In low elo i usualy walk with my jungler deep into enemy jungle and place 2 wards usualy in bush next to blue buff or at middle in betweed road to "wolfes" and "blue buff"
When you know he is starting "Red buff" i walk in enemy jg at "1:25" and palce ward at enemy "raptors" so i can see possably enemy jungler low on hp so i can "Flash+W+Q+Ignite" him for 1 shot. Because you wont be lvl 3 to have your "E" ready when he reaches his raptors.

Go in lane and save your mana and only last hit.
Try last hitting and keeping mana and if you recive some DMG from enemy laner try last hitting with "Q" so the "Q" kills the minion not "Q+AA" that you get lower cooldown and some of "HP" back.
Under like "Diamond" elo guys wont be knowing what are they doing with wave manegment and mana, so mostly you will be even in farm or in adventage but they will have no mana and that is an easy first blood for you. And if you do not kill enemy laner you will make a minion adventage and back then quickly come back to lane using your "E"
Skip "Tiamat" get only "Seratted Dirk" + "Long sword" + "Control ward" (maybe) after a nice clear and usage of "Corrupting potion" u should have about 40-50 farm specialy if you kill you laner in "Cannon wave" that makes him instantly loose the Lane.

Strategy of last hitting will keep you safe from agresive early enemy junglers like Hecarim Lee Sin Jarvan etc..
In low elo you will have opertunities to win 2v1 fights against squishy junglers and make first blood on enemy junglers like shaco and twitch. Try Slow pushing the wave so you have almost 2 waves pushing into enemy laner at "2:30-3:00" If enemy starts hitting you and take the agro from minions he will recive 108 dmg by 1 minion wave focusing him for 1 AA if you can keep fighting in your minions 2v1 u will possably score a dubble kill due to minion advatage.

If you dont have "Flash" or "ignite" early try playing as passivly as possable, you dont have kill potecial then. On 2 v 1

If you Kill enemy laner deny him from farming and taking "XP" specialy if you have your "R" and "Ignite" ready for avoiding enemy ganks and maybe killing the enemy jungler in his gank.

Still you will have your "Corrupting potion" that gives you "Mana" "HP" and some "Movement Speed" when you activate it. That is a big adventage on enemy laner specialy if he is some ap mage that consumes mana on wave clear.

Basicly that is your early game, when enemy laner back's to get "item" or "mana", shove in the wave quickly and roam to top side or bot side witch ever lane is "gankable" or if nothing is gankable go into enemy jungle and place some "vision" so you know where enemy jungler is at the time, if you dont have "R" ability just place "vision" but if you have your "R" ready try risking and using "E" over to "Red Side" or "Blue side" depends on where enemy jungler has shown himself last time.
I like checking "crugs" so if he is not there i can straight dive top lane or gank top laner with my "R"

Back to lane and straight up to farming and denyting enemy laner to get xp and minions.

I hope you learned something from this, i just made this acount here and trying out this blog stuff with my first coffee haha. Hope we meet and go in some duo q :)