How often do you guys get these?
For some reason, every normal I've played today was versus 1-2 level 30-with-smurf-allies premades.
It's been 2wins/1loss, but in every game I either barely did anything noticeable, or did bad, because large rune/mastery/skill differences.
The loss was just terrible
My premade usually has a mid and bot lane covered, but the Malphite insisted on putting me (Teemo) top so it was Lux/Malphite bot, I was laning with a Tryndamere top vs a solo Teemo (Their level 30 - Who, after checking his stats after the game, had 1.5k ELO in ranked solo queue, with 800 wins in normals) who completely wrecked both me and Trynd with really coordinated ganks from their jungler Nautilus, which resulted in a very fed Teemo.

I probably played badly, but I've only got 60 wins since starting PvP, I'm still pretty noob, but i've never had it this bad, I've even played 30s before today, just today was really bad for me. :p

I'm still no where near finished with buying runes, so I can't play certain champs (Annie, Poppy) I prefer to play as efficiently, and haven't really been able to test out new champs/builds because my runes are just horrible.
I've got 9 AD marks, 9 Armour seals, 9 MR/level glyphs, 2 AD Quints.
I've only just got to 5 Magic Pen Marks for Annie, no seals/glyphs, so I'm using armour Seals, MR Glyphs and a Move speed and MP5 Quints..
It'd probably be alot easier to get all the runes I want if I wasn't so freaked out by the thought of solo queue (which I managed to do once a couple of days ago!)

And now for something completely different.