Hey guys tecknologic5555 here for any of you who actually read my blogs I apologize for the random delay in my almost daily blogs post. Here recently my friend lastphase and I have been playing a lot on our long weekend from work to finally hit level 30 in league of legends, we've only played 2 matches in ranked so far first match was flawless I went nunu jungle and from the start I kept taking enemy blue buff and took a level 4 dragon for my team. The enemy team ended up surrendering at 20:00. The second match we should of lost but their jungle riven disconnected around level 12 causing us to win the match. I prefer to jungle but we know we don't always get to do what we want does anyone know a good mid-laner that I may be able to play, so far the only mid laner I play is fiddlesticks who is good but I just want options in case of bans or my team rages and wants me to choose something different.

thanks in advance

and as always thanks for reading today's blog.
