hey guys anyone tried out the new champions this week blitzcrank, warwick, caitlyn, gangplank, jarvan IV, jax, quinn, taric, vladimir, xerath.
I've played about half of these before they were free and warwick is a fun jungle, jax I'm not the biggest fan of, always wanted to try out a jarvan jungle, and tonight I've been playing blitzcrank support which is a blast I keep my adc fed with that grip and knock up suprising how many players don't see that coming and dodge it or for that matter ward the bush I always grip them from, most freak out and try to get away but end up dead before they can get back to the turret. I've considered playing vladimir but in my spectating ranked matches I've yet to see any good vlads he seems fun but idk if anyones got guides to a jarvan jungle or a vladimir mid lane please post the link in the comments and I'll take a look and try it if I like it as always gonna give it a thumbs up.

thanks in advance

and thanks for reading
