Hi everyone! I'm tehcheeselover and this is my first blog post on the new MobaFire blog feeds. Be gentle with your comments and know that I'm only writing for the purpose of informing, entertaining, and passing time. I would ask you to PLEASE post comments constructively criticizing, but not negatively demoting my work. Thanks a lot MobaFire community! Now on to the good stuff.

It seems like Ranked games are there to show others your skill level through winning games and increasing something known as an ELO, otherwise known as a personal ranking. This, however, seems to me like a misconception, or a mistake made by most people who are educated as such. As you all may know, League of Legends is a team game, and is originally intended to be one that involves multiple people that are familiar to you, in order to promote the idea of collaboration and communication to achieve victory. This is not the case as you are frustratingly wasting your life away jumping into a Solo Queue game of ranked, one which (usually) involves teaming up with completely unknown people in order to frantically try to beat your opponent.

Here's the problem with this: it quickly becomes obvious to you that you perceive yourself as a much Much MUCH better player than all the others (or so is the case with most people who are confident enough to persevere in the solo queue). But wait, this is a TEAM game. You should not be the only player who influences the game's result. This is where the frustration starts to kick in.

Why am I ranting about this so much anyway? Well, let me leave you with a thought: no matter how smart Riot gets with the way they make their game (not insulting Riot, if they are reading this!), it is impossible, using any matchmaking system devised on the planet, to find perfect teammates for a ranked solo queue game.

Now, lets say that your skill level is proven to be higher than the majority of players at your ELO. Based on the fact that I have stated above, it is most likely to be matched up with players who either are genuinely worse than you, players who don't have a care in the world for "trying hard", or players with a bad internet connection (that was a joke). 94.5242% of the time, this would mean that you lose the game, and furthermore, lose ELO.

Ultimately, my point is not to discourage playing Ranked solo queue games. My only purpose is to educate people on what "ELO Hell means". Coming from a 1200 ELO player who can bet on his life that he does not belong in that bracket, I think you can trust me on this one.