They told me it couldn't be done.

But I did it.

Silver II Veigar Main, AMA. Learn from the master.

In the meantime, I've been trying other mid champions, but no one is quite up to the level of Veigar. Let's talk about this week's free week champions.

Skittles everywhere. What is a skittle? A delayed sugar bomb that gives you a temporary high but later results in a crash. Fortunately, on Summoner's Rift, Karthose's skittles have been modified so they only give him the sugar high while sending the crash to an enemy champion. Unfortunately, it is not a targetted skill. By nature, skill shots require skill. That's why I play veigar, no skill required. Farm until you can kill people, then kill people.

Verdict: Imposibru. Too much sugar for me.

Take those skittles from Karthose and instead of popping delay, give them travel time. This does not bode well. HOPE IS LOST.

Verdict: Jumping around with the ground bomb pack thingy is pretty fun. They should give him a jetpack propelled by his own bombs at the cost of mana and his own health. You would have to balance leveling skills to balance mobility against damage. Huh.



Minor biases included for reference. A slight problem.