Alright, so as it turns out, I was in no way qualified to make a guide. Every time I followed my own advice on how to beat certain champions, I just feel on my face. I may make a guide on Heimer mid in the future, because lol tank meta, but for now, I'm gonna be making a bunch of champion concepts on the official LoL boards! I already have three released right now, and I plan on releasing more. I don't really have a good scale on what is over/underpowered in terms of details like base damage, scaling, mana costs, cooldowns, health pools, etc etc. But I feel like I have a bunch of neat ideas for champions. Here are the links to my existing concepts, in case you wanna see them.

Nah'Kasar, The Void Dervish (My personal favorite work)

Soluna, The Aspect Of Balance
Dusaat, The Living Knell

Thanks for reading! Oh and sorry if my concepts stink more than pre-rework Urgot. :P