Hello all! My name is SpellBourne, or Christian. This is my first post, and I will be working on the best and ultimate guides to my main and one trick, Darius. A little about me

> The first champ I ever played was Darius, I was at PAX East 2014 and got to play with my account fully unlocked of all champions, the first game I ever played I went 7/1/5 as Darius, and I knew he was the champ for me.
> I started playing League of Legends in Season 3, and hit Silver 1. I didn't really have a main.
> I am a reformed player, I used to be extremely toxic and abusive to almost all of my teammates, now I am fully reformed, and learned a lot, being that I have two accounts permabanned, which proves this.
> I started taking League much more seriously in season 7 when I wanted to prove to myself and my friends that I am good, and am always improving.
> Since then, I am now Gold 1, almost to Platinum, and am trying to hit at least mid Plat.
> The champion I main, is obviously Darius, he is the reason why I have climbed so hard, and can do so much, there is a lot to learn and know about him, and he is a very interesting choice for a main / one trick.
> I stream very occasionally on twitch, and I do YouTube. If you want to check those out, I have them in my profile.
> I currently play a variety of games, League of Legends, Minecraft, Starcraft, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, DMC, and many more. Gaming is my passion, and I love it, League is the game I take the most serious out of all of them.
> Thanks for having me here, and hope to see you guys on the rift! Good luck and Have Fun