hey there

I've never really done a blog before, or been an active member of a forum type website, but i really want to be active in the Mobafire community and League of Legends as a whole. So I think it be appropriate to introduce myself first. I've kept up with the professional scene almost since its conception, but I have only started playing myself for about a month. I have a usual group that I play with, but there backs are usually sore from carrying me, so I always enjoy playing with new people. I think of myself, introduce myself as, and try to be a Jinx ADC main, but, I am still getting the skills. I know the concepts, the builds, the rules the play-style, I just tend to play a little flat when it comes to actually using that knowledge. I am a pretty good support as Nautilus, but I really don't enjoy thinking of myself as a support, and mainly do it to either, A, support a friend who feels like playing ADC, or B, to learn from a much better ADC, which I am always looking to do, if you feel like teaching me. I love the game of League, but I don't think I could ever try and get to challenger because I simply don't want to give up other video games. I am a youtuber, not that anyone watches me.

I guess the most important thing about me to know is, if you are playing with me, you are playing for fun. I don't care if you are a pro-gamer, or a noob, whats the point if your not enjoying yourself? there are plenty a career that pay more than gaming, at a more stable rate. there are tons of easy ways to have fun. It all comes down to a love of the game.