So, today I get home and I noticed there's a new patch. I'm thinking, "Yay new patch I wonder what this one is." I watch the video and my mouth dropped. I've always loved the Freljord story line. This is probably because Ashe was my first champion when I started League.

Anyways, I think it's awesome Riot finally made ARAM a game mode. I think it's a great way for people to learn how to team fight and kinda forces you to use other champions. With this being said, the new map is a great addition. There's somethings that I'm really happy to see is the limit to potions in early game. At times, I can fall behind when someone who buys 10 potions and I only have three. With that being said, I've learned to be careful and poke more.

Now to the new champion, I've been waiting for Lissandra since they first gave a sneek peek.I think she'll be a great addition to League. I love the new updated classic skins for NuNu,Sejuani, and Trundle. I would like to say I do like the new skin they gave Voli. I tested Voli out and I freaking love him.

This is one thing though a couple of my friends are talking about, does this mean Ashe will get a rework? To my understanding she was reworked in May of 2012(?) correct me if I'm wrong. If so, do you think Riot would do that just shy of a year of her recent rework? I think it would be cool if they did,but this is just me.

Is there anything you wish Riot would put in or fix?