This past week has been ****. Around Tuesday I start feeling this pain in my side bellow my belly button, and I'm thinking maybe mother nature is about to bring me a gift so I just shrug it off. So, the next day I wake up and now the pain had gotten worse. I go to school and smile through the pain so people aren't like, "Omg, Laci are you okay?" and have to explain to them my side is hurting blah blah blah. Finally on Thursday, the pain is unbearable. I'm in bed crying,I didn't want to eat, and I felt nauseous. I tell my mom about it, and she's like "Hm, could be a kidney stone or your appendix." I'm like greattttttt I have finals, I can't be out of school. Come to find out, it I have "Irritable Bowel Disease". Once I went to bathroom,I was fine.

I feel bad because I went MIA again for a little while and I have signatures to finish. I always seem to go missing when they need to get done XD.

I guess this week hasn't been total ****. I received more money from FAFSA to go to school over the summer. I'm excited to attend summer classes.