I don't know where to start this... I guess reality just hit me. Ever since I graduated high school, I lost all contact with a lot of my friends. I use to be that girl that everyone knew. I use to have tons of friends. Every weekend I was out having fun. Now, I barely have any friends. I keep to myself. I'm so use to walking in a hall and having twenty or so people say hello to me. I know what you're thinking "Poor Laci and her first world problems."

I'm not trying to throw a pity me party. I guess I realized that high school friends don't stay around very long after graduation and that I need to get out more. It's so weird for me to be...lonely. I barely go out now. It makes me kinda sad because I see people posting things on FB about prom and remembering how that was me last year. Lol,here's a pic x)

I guess I miss the events of high school,but I mean we all have to grow up sometime right? I need to put my big girl panties on and accept life is changing. It isn't about having fun reckless fun and tons of friends.

Is there something you miss or wish you could go back and redo?
(excuse me if this blog is all over the place or doesn't make since. I'm kinda tired lol)