I've been playing League for a while, not all at once mind you. I first heard about the game back in 2014 randomly from my college classmates. I'm [usually] one of those types of people who always hears about stuff after the fact, or when it's dead. That happened to some of my favorite bands where I would find out about them AFTER they broke up. It's my luck really.


As I said I've been playing "for a while." I finally hit lvl 20 a couple of weeks ago after coming back from another year of not playing. I swear the leveling process is much faster than what it was last year, unless they've "added a rested bonus."

So far I've been playing a lot of Cait. Can't tell you why I like her, but I do, and it seems like I'm really starting to figure her out. The last couple of games have been my best in kills or assists, but that doesn't mean they were good games. For instance, last night's game. I had 29 kills and my friend (who only plays when I play) got 17 assists (she's working on playing support), but we lost .... to an intermediate bot match.

We actually got up to max level, took down the baron, I took down the dragon 3 times, and most of us had our full set of items. But we still lost. It got to the point where me and my friend were trying to help out but the others were just doing some strange things. We had said we'll be bot (an ADC type and Support seems like a good match for Bottom) the other two were a Bard and Gnar. I try not to fight with people, especially on a Bot match, because well.... who cares you're learning. So we just moved to the Mid and still stayed together, but made sure that our top was going to be fine since it was someone Playing Jinx. They were fine though.

Just so many weird decisions went on, and then what topped it all of was the flaming. I really really really can't stand that sort of ****, which is why I'll take long breaks.

You know what ... I'm not sure where I was going with this to tell you the truth. Most likely I just needed to vent.

Well hopefully before I go on another long break I'll hit 30. I would like to try some ranked matches, but I would rather get a team going then have a pug match ..... HELL, I'd rather be losing with a team I know than wining with a pug. But I'm weird like that.