Well we did it! With work getting busy I have been playing on and off, but in spite of that I've been able to tighten down my gameplay and hit my first Gold last night in Flex Queue, taking the series down 3-1. It feels good to get back - it's kind of like you know where you do and do not belong, and Silver just wasn't where I belong. Solo Queue is next - I am 2 wins away from series, and we'll see where things go if I can get into the "Winner's Circle." (I like thinking of the promo series as the "Winner's Circle" is for one of my favorite game shows, the $100,000 Pyramid. **** Clark was awesome at hosting that game . . . but I digress)

I have a new computer that I will be building in a week, and I am very excited to not only stream, but to stream on a beast of a machine. I'd love between now and then to get my Gold in Solo Queue - good way to break in the new computer. Unlike last season, where I hit Gold and sat on my laurels, I play to keep jamming games. I know I am likely a stronger player than Gold V, so it is time to see just how strong that is.

This patch is not easy for Supports, especially if you have been jamming a true heal support - the entire item kit took a substantial nerf, so now it's about having at least one carry champ pocket pick so you are actually relevant, especially in poke matchups like Heimerdinger/Lux where if you try to play a closer ranged champ like Sona, you just get punished and risk all-ins all the way up from Level 1 to 6. That just doesn't work at this level of play - law of averages says that eventually, your opponent will guess right, and when they do you are likely losing your life.

Hope everyone is having a terrific Thursday! Good luck out there in the Fields of Justice :)