+=  Personal S5 picks
(+)= Potential Mid-S5 picks

Ban- Only noobs should play these.
1. Caitlyn- 
* Highest AA Range in the game
* Highest Damage poke of all ADCs
* Unbelievably difficult to counter
2. Lucian-
* Insane burst for an ADC
* One of the farthest dashes in the game
* Most ultimate potential of all ADCs
3. Tristana-
* Leap has high range, not even ult
* AA range eventually exceeds Caitlyn's
* Insane DPS in the general concept
Great- Ideal champions to be playing.
4. Sivir-
* Good burst with Q
* Good Sustained damage with W and ult
* Absurdly high CSing potential 
5. Jinx+-
* Great at counter-carrying
* Amazing Passive
* Good at CS
6. Vayne+-
* One of the best hypercarries
* High mobility
* Easily countered
Good- Certainly viable, but not the best.
7. Varus(+)-
* Outstanding counter-carry
* Most flexible ADC building
* Somewhat difficult to pull off
8. Draven(+)-
* Premier hypercarry
* Difficult to play
* Not ideal CSing
9. Corki-
* Potential for extremely high bursts
* Hard to build properly
* Good at carrying, but counterable
Decent- Plausibly well viable.
10. Ashe+-
* Good at countercarrying
* Great chasing DPS
* Horrible ultimate
11. Kog'Maw-
* Confusing abilities, for building
* Great hypercarry when pulled off
* Overrated ultimate, but it's not awful
12. Graves(+)-
* Highly durable for an ADC
* Low DPS for an ADC
* Decent for farming
Buff- Needs buffing to be viable.
13. Kalista-
* Soulbond mechanics are horrible
* Great overall output, no doubt
* Safe yet not ideal CSing
14. Twitch(+)-
* E does not quite enough damage
* Not good at farming
* Ultimate is fairly good
15. Ezreal-
* Perhaps one of the best pokes
* Scales poorly for an ADC
* Farm is way under ideal
Joke- Don't even dare play this crud.
16. Urgot-
* W literally does nothing
* Great ultimate, could be much better
* E also literally does nothing
17. Miss Fortune-
* Worst offender of confusing builds
* Poor farm
* Good ultimate, but AP based.
18. Quinn-
* Poke blinds, sure
* Kit that does not in any way fit the lane