That moment where you see your target having only a strip of a line on their HP bar left. That moment where you decide to go for it and tower dive the **** out of it. That sad moment when there's the message that your laning partner has killed your target.


There are many who say that LoL is a teamgame with teamkills and as such, killstealing does not exist. I, for one, believe that the act of killstealing is a lie. Dead is dead. Though I undestand the grief one may have when you've melted off the entire HP bar of your target enemy by yourself, only to have it killed by your laning partner or jungler who pressed Q once.

Nonetheless, when you're duo-laning it doesn't matter in my honest opinion. I'll say it again: dead is dead. And a dead enemy is just simply better then a living one!

Now, I'm not the one to interrupt the endless stream of "NOOOB!" in chat just so I can say "KS!". It hurts when it happens, but it doesn't really matter. On the other hand, when a teammate of mine sees me at full HP while im bashing the life out of an enemy, and my teammate just stand there until he can get that last hit and thus stealing my kill for which I worked so very hard... That's just... Just... Sad. Stealing kills on purpose is sad. Sad for the fact you need to steal kills to make kills at all, and just sad because you are not helpful in a friggin' teamgame! Teamgame!

Killstealing by accident is acceptable. Even though I do not really believe in killstealing I will say sorry if I steal a kill by accident, by auto-attacking too long for one second, or by a carefully placed AoE skill. Not that it matters if I say I'm sorry because the chat will already be filled with "KS! KS! KS!",wWhich makes me think, "Well kid, maybe if you didnt type all that before the enemy was even dead you would've been able to get your kill, and I wouldn't be apologizing right now". People who polute the chat with "KS! KS! KS!" are frustrated egocentrical persons who do not get the idea of a teamgame. They should be trolled 24/7...

- Twinhammer, EUW