A little about myself:

I started playing LoL right before Aatrox release and immediately got hooked;
unfortunately I can not play it in my house because my computer does not have the necessary requirements so i play in my parents house.
I'm from Argentina therefore i play in LAS and i loved watching the S3 worlds, as I'm loving watching the LCS in Europe and NA.
I used to main support a lot in S3 (mostly becouse nobody actually wanted to) but with the changes to vision now people is starting to actually compete for the role. My worst rol is ADC mostly becouse i'm not used to CS, a consequence of maining support in the first months of the game i guess.
I've never played ranked yet but i'm 1 champion away to do so. I got 4 rune pages and i NEVER pay for games :P i haven't even used the free RP.

Champions i have:
Annie, Ashe, Dr. Mundo, Garen, Jax, Kayle, Master Yi, Morgana, Nasus, Nunu & Willump, Poppy, Ryze, Sivir, Soraka, Warwick.

Champions i played a lot/safe picks:
Annie (support) build:, Morgana (AP/support), Warwick (jg).

Champions i'm loving right now but have not so much experience:
Dr. Mundo, Jax, Kayle, Nasus, Ryze.

Champions i can use but i almost never do:
Nunu & Willump, Sivir, Soraka.

Champions i do not synergize to much:
Master Yi, Poppy.

Champions i HAAAATE:
Ashe, Garen.

Champions i don't have but i loooooove to use ALWAYS on free rotation:
Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Thresh.

As i've said before i need 1 more champ to start my ranked journey,wich i will be posting here :D; What champion do you think i Should buy? i'm thinking maybe Evelynn or saving up a little bit to buy Kassadin