Hiya i wanna discuss something about the meaning of playing vayne , strategie and her role in a team and yeah all that .
i just got outta a 3v3 ranked im not that much but kinda pissed ..bcus i was playing vayne was unstopable well they started to gank us and so on or just simply in teamfights my team either 1: leaves me behind
2: leaves me between 2 enemy champions -.-
3: totally make me get out of positoning

i dunno about u but i havent read this anywhere but form my exp of playing vayne ......i kinda depend more on my team then other carries and so
in the game on of my teamates literally said that its not their fault that im a squishy "mofo" .

and i was wondering how should you be playing when there's a vayne in ur team.
i was forced to flash out of 2 enemy's ult and thumble as well to escape bcus my team just leaves me to run after someone .
pls expirienced vayne players only i tried a lot to stay with them by myself since they didnt help me with anything much and i would also like to get tiny suggestions about playing vayne in these sistuations or so thx :D and yes we lost XD we were winning but in the end when my flash wasnt up i die cuz yeah left behind -.-