Today was a strange day playing.

I spent much of the early day watching videos about not doing stupid things, like chasing into fog and, over extending myself, and not feeding the enemy, but today I ended up doing all of those things all day.

Perhaps i have hit the first of many walls. I hit level 9 today which was nice though. Lets skip all this and go right into the recaps.

Game 1: 8/2/2 - Co-op vs. AI - Victory
Warm up game, did better than I expected. I had a very strong team that communicated well. It went fairly quickly. Perhaps the fastest of the games vs. AI I have ever played.

Game 2: 8/10/8 - Classic Normal - Victory
Straight forward game, went bottom with a Soraka which was nice to have support. Did well but not super well as we both were pretty new and fed some early kills. The game was pretty nice though we ended up winning with some clutch tower pushes towards the end.

Game 3: 23/12/11 - Classic Normal - Defeat
Now you are asking yourself. 23/12/11 and you still lost? What happened? Well what happened was 2 people on our team quit rather early when it looked like we were going to get swept, but some solid kills and some unharassed farming put us back in the game. We ended up pushing them all the way to their nexus but when we got aced it was hard to come back before they were already destroying our nexus. For a 3v5 game I think it was my strongest of the day.

Game 4: 1/13/6 - Classic Normal - Defeat
This game I just made all of the mistakes I could make. Died within maybe 20 seconds of the game starting to a master Yi and a Xin Zhao combo at bottom and pretty much that all she wrote. I was basically 2-4 levels behind the whole game after that and a non-threat to any of the enemies who could all burst me down fairly quickly. There was a player though who was playing Miss Fortune who was really only doing slightly better than I was that was complaining the whole time that i wasn't perfectly placed on the map. It wouldn't have mattered if i was since I was so under level and behind gold. I never quit the game though and stayed till out inevitable defeat. Learned a lot from this game though.

What I learned today
  • Xin Zhao and Master Yi are freaking awesome. I've seen them both every single game today and they always shine bright. They are also two of the Champions that almost always beat me in a 1v1 fight. Not sure why but Its been rather consistent.
  • Stop over extending myself. Seriously. Its 60% of my deaths.
  • Don't over think your plays.
  • Keep working on your last shots. Money. You need it. Make it better.

Anyway, short and quick one today. Sort of bummed with two losses in a row but what can you do. Hope tomorrow game plays are better!