Thank you for everyone who has been viewing this blog, we hit 100 total views. I mean that's not really that much but its a pretty big deal to me, at least 100 sets of eyes have seen me bumble through LoL.

Did some research today and came across /r/summonerschool I had never thought to check out reddit but the place is rather useful. It is a community of mentors and just helpful League players who want to help guide others to better play and higher ELO. I asked a couple of questions and I will pose them for you guys here as well.

1: When you fall behind in your lane, due to early death low CS or just getting pushed away due to too much damage and you have to recall back, what do you do to catch up? How do you avoid getting 2+ levels behind? How do you catch up when you are 2+ levels behind
2: When you want to work on your CS, do you practice in a solo custom game? or do you just do co-op vs. Bots? Strengths and weaknesses of both types of practice. Do you need to drill this sort of thing under level 20? 30?
3: What other info should I track on my game recaps? (If you are unfamiliar with my recaps check previous blogs.)

I will feature some of your responses (All if its only a few) In Today (tomorrows) blog post.

Game Breakdowns

Ended up playing some Co-op vs bot games with my girlfriend and our best friend Ali. To say the least I had a lot on my mind and trying to keep up with CS just got me killed a bunch. Still making the same mistakes. I think I am just getting too in the moment and not really being calm and thinking about my plays. Fiora is still fun but I can see her deficiencies start to way on me.
Played a game with fittlesticks, stacked a whole ton of a crit because I saw a funny build about "crittlesticks" and wanted to give it a try. It didn't work very well for me. Because all of the games were just derping around I wont post the scores.

Next Week

I am gone for this weekend but starting Monday I will be playing Riven, so keep an eye out for those gameplays. I will see about capturing some replays so I can post some of my mistake montages on youtube and get some feedback that way as well.

Thanks again for reading
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