Agression ( FAST )

Miss Fortune
Champions that combine well with her dive potential can do very well alongside Vi in team fights. Having an Orianna balled Vi charge into an enemy team and get a wombo combo off on everyone can seal many team fights. Similarly, having a Vi jump into your team while Lulu ulted will disable everyone heavily and due to her innate tankiness, your team will be allowed to clean up and deal damage for free while they attempt (unsuccessfully) to peel Vi off their carries.


Vi has few straight-out "counters". She is very versatile and can overcome her few weaknesses by utilising her other strengths. Still, these following champions can provide obstacles for Vi:

Kassadin can prove tough for Vi as he is very hard to gank once he hits level 6. Also, his silence can destroy a Vi's combo for a significant period of time - Vi cannot release her Q if she is silenced, causing it to fizzle.

Xin Zhao is stronger than Vi during the early game and will out-duel her. His Q and Ulti can interrupt her Q, and his Ult can disengage Vi after she has used her own Ult.

Janna is a great support for protecting against Vi. Her Q can interrupt Vi's Q if timed correctly and her Ulti can knock Vi back after she has engaged with her Ult. Janna's overall slows are also very annoying for Vi, making it hard for her to stick to targets and apply her W.