
Pre level 6 your ganking will rely on you hitting your Q. Vi has crazy burst damage if you land your Q, making targets sitting ducks should you not miss. Unfortunately, this does mean that if your Q does not connect you are much less likely to get any kills.

Once Vi has obtained her Ulti, her ganking becomes much more effective while also becoming significantly easier to execute. Combining Q, Flash and Ulti, nobody is safe from your ganks. Mid lane is especially easy to kill as you will often be in Ult range by the time they see you. Try to pick on targets that have no escape abilities or those that have burned their Flash.

Jungle Clear

Position yourself so that your E hits all of the jungle creeps. Your W gives you incredible clearing speed with a bonus to Attack Speed and extra damage every third hit. You can use your Q to jump over walls and get to camps quicker, while also doing significant damage to the creeps within the camp. Be careful to not waste too much mana doing this, however.

Team Fights

In general, Vi will play the role of the initiator / front line. Her skill set makes her incredibly durable as well as very good at killing tanks (due to the ridiculous armor shred from W) so having her peel for your AD carry is a decent playstyle for Vi. Additionally, due to the diving nature of her ultimate, you can also utilize her to disable any enemy champion and easily take them out of the fight. Try to reserve your ultimate for their squishy AD/AP carry but use it at your discretion when the situation calls for a good knock up or when they are out of position. If you have built full tank and have high CDR, you can exclusively peel for your AD (usually after you have used your Ult to engage on to the enemy carry) as your Q will have a very low cooldown and can deposition enemy bruisers.

Tips and Tricks

Most walls can be cleared by charing up a full Vault Breaker and dashing through them.

In team fights, utilize the AOE Cone that is behind your E, often times you may be able to poke someone out at max range by E'ing a melee creep in lane.

Assault and Battery(R) can be used to dash to enemies champions through walls.

You can close a distance of a fleeing champion by Q → Flash → R

Assault and Battery (R) will place Vi behind your target. You can follow up with a quick Vault Breaker (Q) to knock them back into your teammates.

If you find yourself close to death with Ignite ticking on you, try to find a nearby creep and use an ability on it to proc your passive.