My AP Support Sona Guide reached 50,000 views a couple days ago!!!

I'm really excited about this. I've been playing League of Legends for quite a while now (started playing about two years ago, and took a couple months off last summer while I was busy working) and it's great to be able to help the community. I was one of the first people to upload a revised guide for the season 4 pre-season, and it happened to fall during a week when Sona was free to play so I'm sure that helped a lot. It's so exciting to see people enjoying a guide I put so much work into.

Many thanks to anyone who helped me out with creating my guide and revising it over the past week. It's been amazing to see such a great community work with me to make this guide something special.

I plan on revising the guide as often as necessary. I check it every day for comments, and I take every suggestion or critique seriously. Some people have had great suggestions! I can't even begin to express how excited I am that something I wrote has had such an impact. One player even commented that he made a MOBAfire account just so he could upvote my guide and that he's been using it for a couple days. That's so cool!!!

I hope to write more guides in the future. Sona is one of my primary champions in ranked play, and she's the one I know best so it was an obvious choice for me to write a guide about her. However, I've also played other champions in ranked and PvP, so I'd like to write more guides. It's a lot of fun, and extremely rewarding when people like my work. However, I don't want to write new guides just for the sake of writing. If there are other guides up that say the exact same thing as mine, there's no point in adding a new one since people can just read guides by people who are more skilled than me.

Some guides I'd like to make in the future: ADC Varus, Jungle Vi, Support Soraka, and possibly others depending on how well my builds work in ranked games. I haven't played a lot of ranked yet (I just started ranked about 3 weeks before season 3 ended) but I'm really enjoying the competitive atmosphere and the things I've been learning.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy my guide and I look forward to seeing where things go from here!

Sweet dreams, Summoners!
