Check out my Sona video guide to see how I play Sona with a full commentary explaining why I do the things I do, and hit the "like" button if you love it!

I finally got my video guide finished a few days ago, and now it's up on YouTube and ready to watch!

I've been wanting to make a video guide for a while. I've always enjoyed watching other people's videos since it helps me see how they play and when to buy certain items, as well as showcasing a particular champion's abilities and strengths. So when I made a MobaFire guide for Sona, a video was the next logical step for me.

In the video, I'm playing a normal PvP game (not ranked) with Sivir as my ADC against a Blitzcrank and Jinx enemy lane. Here's the full team composition of this game:

Lane My Team Opposing Team
Top Lane: Trundle Teemo
Mid Lane: Gragas Kayle
Jungle: Skarner Shyvana
Support: Sona Blitzcrank
ADC: Sivir Jinx

An interesting team composition to be sure. Blitzcrank and Jinx are normally very aggressive in the bottom lane, so we had to play somewhat passively and wait for an opportunity to strike. As you'll see in the video, we did a pretty good job zoning them out of the lane, and we even had a couple of good turn-arounds where they almost had us, but then we ended up maneuvering well and getting kills, or at least escaping. They did kill my Sivir once when she went in too far while I wasn't with her, but hey no game is perfect right?

By the end of the video, I had gotten all of my core build (except for Locket of the Iron Solari, since Skarner got that) and also a couple of AP items ( Zhonya's Hourglass and Archangel's Staff). Unfortunately, my recording froze and so the video ends before the game is over, but it does show the basics of how to play AP Support Sona. If you like my build guide, check out the video here and make sure to leave a comment telling me how you like it!