Singed has recently appeared as one of the best junglers in the game.

Dyrus gave him a whirl and has got him VERY popular.

I can honestly say I agree with his judgements, basically, Singed is an amazing champion late game, and can freely farm in the new jungle, and the new jungle is very, very complimentary to people who can farm well, and as we all know, Singed farms like a BOSS.

Dyrus has been playing Singed in tournaments recently, and honestly I hope we see a lot more of him. Not too much, though, because he'll be nerfed! I really do see Singed becoming a first ban first pick because of how potent he is in his new home.

The best part about it is that Singed is a blast to play. Fun junglers are the best type. I'm glad junglers like Warwick suck now. I hated playing him.