I would considering doing a guide, but I don't exactly know how to go into so much depth and detail as many of the people here seem to do. But I am considering a build I have thought up. It was a real quick one, so it may not be so fitting for Ahri, but I'm going to be trying it out on her in the next few days.

I am new to this and all, so I'm not quite understanding how it all works especially with that of those links to the item sequence, I think it is, or of the masteries.

Once I get to be quite a "master" of Ahri, I will attempt to do a full on guide, maybe a different champ also or instead. But Ahri is a new favorite of mine, and I'd like to master her.~

I don't think I can quite use a link I would think as I can, I don't really get the Item Planner thing and it's link it gives.

I'm thinking of testing out a build of Ahri I came up with in some spare time. And I'm not sure if it's a good one or not, but I hope it is, and so here it is:

+ As most builds start off with, I'd start off with the Boots and three Pots, I sometimes consider maybe a mana potion and two health potions, since during the times that I have played Ahri, I have run out of quite a lot of mana. But I tend to test out these builds on bots first, in a PvP game, I may actually would recall more often in the beginning.

But when I do next go to the base, the Kage's Lucky Pick is up for buy. That's what I love in this build, I love that passive of it, and it builds into something later that I quite like also. With this item you don't have to worry for farm as much, but you can get lots of gold from farming and the passive.

With the Sorcerer's Shoes you get some Magic Penetration, which is good to have along with some speed.

For the AP and the Unique Active really stood out a bit. Go against a heavy tank, if they don't have much magic resist, probably would do lots of damage. If that is, I'm understanding it correctly. xD

Talking about magic resist, Void Staff has 35% Magic Penetration. Basically ignoring some bit of the Magic Resist, huh? What a great item to have.

Both the AP and the passive. Always a good item to have with an AP Champ.

I found out recently about Ahri's passive, though, I knew about it but I didn't realize how much it's useful and, I suppose, awesome it is. I had it ready, took out a bunch load of minions and from basically half health to almost full health, I was amazed! Well, with the Hextech Revolver you'll have 12% Spell Vamp, and build it and the Kage's Lucky pick into Will of the Ancients.

It gives you AP and it's passive gives nearby allies +30 AP and 20% Spell Vamp. And it can stack twice! One for owning it and the other for being in the aura. Hopefully there's an ally that is building Will of the Ancients.

And now lastly, I believe there's one spot left. The Zhonya's Hourglass gives some AP and Armor, always a good thing to have.

Now, I hope this would be an OP Ahri's build, but it also may be all items so wrong for her. I really hope it would be a good build to have with her, since I do like the big numbers in the Ability Power.

I would consider other items in the build, may be for some situational, or just want to be different every once in a while.

Well, here's an unofficial guide, that I may turn into a guide, into an actual guide format and not this blog type article. Here is just of the build, and maybe I'll become some great "master" of Ahri~ Though, I have some doubts, since I know at least one person who is really good with her. I'm not worthy of her! Lol xD

Hope you enjoyed this post, for anyone who read it. Lol.
Maybe try it out and find it useful! If so, glad to be of some helpfulness :3