Alright guys so I was thinking of maybe making a special new birthday guide. My birthday is tomorrow, the 31st of dec however I am aware it's going to be only the 30th only for other countries. But I live in Australia. This guide might take me a while to do, depending on who it is.

Moving on I was wondering which champ do you guys want me to do. Take note that I don't really want to upload ADC guides because personally they're pretty much all almost similar, just the way you build them.

These were the champs I am thinking to make:
I only make guides with champs that I've personally played a lot of games with.

- Hecarim
- Lee Sin
- Darius (Re-make)
- Graves or Vayne ( if you guys want)

Below here is a video of my ranked season 2 and 3 stats as well as some other stats from normal games. Nothing special, just thought it's better to make a video so I don't have to upload each photo on mobafire and of course my **** voice :D

So I hope you guys enjoy your new years, but I was hoping for a sig for my bday present =)... haha don't need to but will appreciate it if you really can :D.
