I have no clue what exactly to make of this post, but it is what it is. I've started to learn champions other than Anivia, which NEEDED to happen 100%. That being said, I've been playing Caitlyn, Janna and Qiyana this summer and it's fun being able to experience champions that are not a cryophoenix. There was even one game of Qiyana that I went 35/7 so that was thoroughly interesting.

Caitlyn was the first one I started learning of the three and I mainly played her lethality and mid. Yes, I've been told I was a unique snowflake, so there is no need to tell me that more. It's amusing to one-shot people with your ult and just spit out big damage with a Q + E + R combo. Though, fighting against assassins and mages with longer range than you is just a pain.

I've already played Janna before I started actually playing her this summer, I was just no good at her. I think I've gotten pretty decent at her that I've started to play her in my rank games, which helped me to bronze. Her abilities are also just fun and sometimes hilarious. You can use her ult to push opponents into turret range or fountain, which is nifty.

I've just started playing Qiyana a few days ago, but she's so fun. I don't exactly play her that well, but I at least know how she works... somewhat. I still don't know how to use her ult that well, so there's still plenty of room to improve.

I guess that's my full rundown of the champions I've learned recently. If you're wondering what happened to my last blog post, it's been taken down. Don't worry, nothing serious happened. It just came into violation with guidelines and it's been deleted since.