Anivia in urf is pretty broken, you can't lie. I've never seen people ban Anivia in drafts or ranked, but in urf, I've seen her banned a quite few times here and there. Her passive comes up every 60 seconds, so she practically never dies. Her E, the main source of damage, comes up every 0.8 seconds, meaning you can Q someone and use E two times without the chill effect running out. With a fed full build Anivia, that means potentially up to 4000 damage, not accounting for magic resist, from a Q + E + E combo. Don't even get me started on her ult; it becomes even more broken in urf to the point she can just block an entire area off without worrying about losing mana. One of the reasons Anivia is balanced in regular games is because of her mana consumption, but in urf, with that being irrelevant, she's just way too op.

Now onto my rant. So recently I've figured out that my league force quits whenever I join a lobby with a friend, by both me inviting them and them inviting me. The pop-up that appears tells me to restart my client to fix it, so I do. Still doesn't fix anything and the problem still occurs. The other thing that the pop-up told me to do was to contact league support. I don't really see another option to fix this for me so I did. I made a ticket and am just waiting on a response for now. So I guess I can only play by myself for now ;_;