So, I started playing this game back in september or october last year. I had never played any dota or anything, so I didn't know the slightest bit about it except that it was a PvP game and that people would get pissed at you if your were a "noob". So, I've been super afraid of "moving up" every step of the way.

I started with beginner bots. I was really bad, but I stuck with it because the game was new, challenging, and it was fun to try out all the different characters. Then I built some confidence with Lux and braved myself for intermediate bots, where my confidence got shot back down to earth (those bots are good!). Eventually I got good enough against those bots that I decided I was ready to step into the PvP ring. My first game was a normal blind pick game where I went 21/9/? as Ashe in a loss. I was like, okay, that wasn't so bad.

Then, I proceeded to become a horrible ADC because I had no idea how to farm, had no clue about strategies and ganks, and pretty much just sucked for a month and got called "noob" a lot. I think I went back to bots just to build my confidence back up and learn as many characters as I could. I watched streams of pro tournaments to learn everything I could about the game. I even bought Ezreal because he looked like THE ADC to play if you wanted to be good.

That was a mistake. During my first PvP game with Ezreal, I proceeded to miss every skill shot and got called noob. A lot. Again. My confidence was so crushed that I decided to stop playing ADC and even mid, where I had had some really good games with Lux, but then I started missing every one of HER skill shots, and I just became useless.

I picked up support, which obviously fit me because I didn't have to farm and I just had to keep people on my team alive. No confusing jungle routes, no decisions about ganks, no last-hitting. Just ward and heal, ward and heal. (I also started playing a lot of Pantheon. I just love that dude.)

I like to think that I've become a pretty good support, but recently I had been going through loss after loss in normal games and it was frustrating. I felt like I had been playing well individually, but my team just couldn't win. I had even been invited to play ranked with what I assumed would be better players, but it was the same old story, and I felt discouraged enough not to try ranked play again.

But today I finally flipped out hard enough to just go for it. After a lot of comp-stomping during double IP weekend, I decided to give Lulu a try in a normal blind pick game. I was playing pretty well, and I was leading the team decently, directing everyone about where to go and what objectives to accomplish. After a rough start, we started winning teamfights, taking down turrets, taking Barons and Dragons. We were close to winning, and then everything fell apart. Teammates started getting caught out alone for no reason, and after 2 lost teamfights in which noone focused the hard hitting Vayne (she got a penta), the game was over.

I flipped a **** and went directly to a solo ranked game. I didn't care that I might get embarrassed against better competition. I WANTED better competition. After failing to call support and my beloved mid Pantheon, I was left with, of course, ADC. And facing a team with CC upon CC, I went with Ezreal, the champ that I hadn't played in a PvP game in forever.

And somehow, I played a very strong game, hit my skill shots, and finished 9/1/9, helping my team force a surrender. It felt so good. I don't care that it was probably a ranked game full of unranked players, or that the opposing team didn't choose an ADC (faced a Zed/Morgana duo :S). I just felt like I could compete, that I belonged, and that I maybe if I messed up in the future, I wouldn't care if I got called noob.

Now, I think I will be playing a lot more ranked play. I'm curious about how good I am and how good I can become. I really won't care if I find out I'm not high elo material, but at least it'll be fun to play against better competition.

And maybe I'll play a lot more Ezreal too.