About This Team Comp
Early Game
Focus on getting units that have good synergy with your late game unitsAs early game is weak at this stage, try to get as many 2 star units as you can.Focus on getting important pieces to this build as listed on the carries below.You can give some of these items to your early game champions which you know you will sell later.
Early/mid game (Ideal)
You should try to have as many blademasters in your comp as soon as possible. Remember, as soon as you find Azir, sell Renekton and replace him.Keep your random units you were able to 2 star as of now.
Mid game
If you are able to find the Azir items earlier, place them on Renekton as Azir is a direct substitute for him.For now, you have 4 blademasters which is already really strong with support from added tankiness by the other 2 star units.Try to look for either yorick or annie for the 3 summoners buff. If you find both, replace Zyra.
Mid/late game
With light and summoner along with blademaster.
late game
This comp is good enough to get 1-2
Ideal late game comp
For longer gamesThe items on each champion are for when you have items left over.
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