About This Team Comp
In mid / late game you want to run 8 Duelist, but can also reduce to 6 Duelist and add more CC units like Fiddlesticks to help you buy time.
6+ Duelist
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Stage 2
Likes to open with 4 Duelist and item dump on Kayle or Vayne. Prefers to run a strong Hero or Combat Augment so you can aim for win streak and use powerspike of Duelists in early game.
Stage 3
You want to be Level 6 in Stage 3-2. Place 6 Duelist and build at least 1 Locket to strengthen your frontline. You can either run Last Whisper on Vayne, or start prioritizing Zed Items.
Stage 4
You should be Level 7 in Stage 4-1, if no Hero Augment showed up yet, make sure you only have Duelist as active traits. You want to take anything from Zed or Vayne, but can also make use of both Nilah Augments. Slow roll for Vayne 3 Star. Can also pick up Nilah 3 on the way. If you find Duelist Emblem, put it on Sejuani (or Kaisa).
Stage 5+
Your aim is to run 8 Duelists with either Duelist Heart or Emblem as your win condition. If you can't find it, field CC units like Fiddlesticks to help you buy time for your Duelists. With Spread Shot Hero Augment from Vayne can also aim for Vayne*3 as your main win condition.
Item Builds
Always build EoN on Zed if you want to play him as your main carry. Duelist Emblem goes on Sejuani/Kaisa. Morello on Sejuani or Fiddle if you play him.
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