About This Team Comp
Push for Level 8 in early Stage 4 and look for Taric and Ryze so you can run 8 Portal. Once you've stabilized with an upgraded board you can push towards Level 9. Add Norra once you find her and replace a weaker Portal unit like Jayce. With Level 9 you can add Vex/Nami to support Norra and add Diana to cap out your board.
If the game allows you can try to reach 10 Portal as a win condition, since you only need two Emblems. This is very doable in the Trainer Golem Portal, since you only need Level 9 to achieve this.
Yuumi positioning doesn't matter anymore, she used to block the Hex she started in, but this doesn't work anymore.
8+ Portal
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Stage 2/3
Should have early Portal Emblem from Starting Portal / Augment / Spatula etc. Collect Portal units, push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and stabilize with 6 Portal power spike.
Stage 4
Push for Level 8 in early Stage 4. Look for Ryze and Taric for 8 Portal power spike. Once you're stabilized you can push towards Level 9. Play Vex if you need additional Frontline or Nami if you value crowd control higher.
Stage 5+
Push towards Level 9, Replace weak portal unit like Jayce for Norra and add Diana to cap out your board in late game. Run Nami instead of Vex for more CC. Give leftover AP items to Norra, she is surprisingly strong.
Alternative Items
Can run Guinsoo instead of Shojin on Ryze.
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