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About This Team Comp
Automata is incredibly strong and can be played in different variants ranging from Nocturne Reroll, Kogmaw Reroll or rush for 6 Automata. This version is quite similar to the old Kogscar comp, but instead of going deep into Watcher you want to play for 6 Automata as your win condition with an Automata Emblem.
Move Automata Emblem to Mel in late game. She is the best Automata user in late game, because she can proc it with every single cast.
As an alternative you can also put a Dominator Emblem on Kogmaw and aim for a Automata/Dominator mix instead.
General gameplan is to play 4 Automata + Zeri/Scar with Level 6, push for Level 7 in early Stage 4 and slow roll for Kog*3 and Blitz*3. Prioritize defensive Anomalies on Blitzcrank or Thousand Cuts on Kog'Maw, but don't roll too deep as you can't force Anomalies anymore.
Move Automata Emblem to Mel in late game. She is the best Automata user in late game, because she can proc it with every single cast.
As an alternative you can also put a Dominator Emblem on Kogmaw and aim for a Automata/Dominator mix instead.
General gameplan is to play 4 Automata + Zeri/Scar with Level 6, push for Level 7 in early Stage 4 and slow roll for Kog*3 and Blitz*3. Prioritize defensive Anomalies on Blitzcrank or Thousand Cuts on Kog'Maw, but don't roll too deep as you can't force Anomalies anymore.
Automata Reroll

Recommended Anomalies









Team Carries

Recommended Augments
Tier 1

Pandora's Items

Rolling For Days I

Branching Out
Tier 2

Automata Crest

Dominator Crest

All That Shimmers
Tier 3

Automata Crown

Dominator Crown

Trifecta II
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