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Early blademasters
First you will want to get any space pirate recomended: Darius and graves,and you will need to buy any blademaster you find.You must never refresh until you have 50g.Once you have 50g you will want to spend some money on refreshes and xp boosts.
MID blademasters
In the mid game you will spend gold for some refreshes and xp.Warning!!!You must never have less than 50 gold,only if its necessary.First champion that you will want to have items on is kayle.Kayle is an extremely good carry sense she can melt enemy's with the attack speed.I prefer rageblade,hand of justice and quicksilver.Kayle's only weakenss is cc and for that reason quicksilver is a must item
Late blademasters
In late game you will want to spend your 50+ gold on refreshes.In order for kayle to be your carry she must be at least lvl 2.Your second carry is master yi.These items will melt the enemy teamcomps but to do that he must be lvl 3.Miss fortune is an excellent carry but she needs to be protected.You can build irelia if the enemy carry has a lot of mana.If they have max mana at the start of the combat then you will need to put a seraphs on irelia sense she will jump on them at the start of the round.Shen is a amazing tank that should be in your mind when you get tank items.I dont really use my items on yasuo, but if the enemy has a carry that doesnt have a lot of mana,i suggest you put some items on him.Fiora is just if you dont know where to put some items.She is like a trashcan for items
full build blademasters
Your final build should look like this.Ekko is added for the chrono cybernetic buff,and thresh for the mana reaver buff.You dont have to get all of those items for them.Actually if you leave them with no items they are fine.If the enemy carry has max mana at the start of the combat,then i suggest you put a seraphs on irelia instead of a guarding angel.
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