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Boomri's Chosen 6 Divines/8 Divines  Patch 10.23

Boomri's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on November 11, 2020
8 Votes

About This Team Comp

* [Patch 2.23 notes which are relevant to the build + my insights, at the bottom of the guide]

This team comp is reachable, easy, strong, cheap and will get you free elo. Scroll down for specific details.
created and maintained by Boomri.

This team shines when you reach 6 divines with 7 champs, you can win your match with just 7 champs but if you have Sword of the Divine on Shen you can get Lee Sin as the 8th champ to reach 8 divines and annihilate your opponents. If you can't get Sword of the Divine, Sett as your 8th champ is very viable. If you have 9 slots go for both Sett and Lee Sin and if you also have Sword of the Divines = GAME OVER 100% OP.

Your main carry should be Lux, regarding her items: Deathcap + Shojin works great, you can also use Jeweled Gauntlet or Morellonomicon.
Our main tank is Jax with core items: Sunfire + Stoneplate. Optional item to add: Titan's Resolve/Warmog's/Dragon's Claw.
Sword of Divine on Shen is a must if we go for 8 Divines.

A viable option in the case you have a spare B.F. Sword, but couldn't find a Spatula for Sword of the Divine, is to turn it into Zeke's Herald and put it between your best offense tools in the front line.

To have 3 stars Lux and Jax is very important. To have 3 stars Wukong, Irelia, Janna is also very helpful.

Enjoy and vote up this guide if you got some WINS with it :)
* Patch 2.23 notes:
Divine Bonus True Damage and Damage Reduction: 40% ⇒ 50%
Divine Bonus True Damage and Damage Reduction Duration: 4/6/9/13 seconds ⇒ 3/6/9/15 seconds
Warwick Fear Duration: 1.5/1.5/3 ⇒ 0.75/0.75/3
Warwick Primal Hunger Attack Speed: 175/200/500% ⇒ 135/150/500%

- Divines got buffed a little, the main buff is when you have 8 divines so going for Lee Sin + Sword of the Divine on Shen is more rewarding than ever.
- Warwick got nerfed pretty hard, he is no longer rewarding as a second carry, try to focus more on getting Lux and Jax strong, Irelia is even a contender as a second carry now and with the right items even Wukong can do it.

chosen 6 Divines / + Sett / 8 Divines w/ lee sin

You can go either route:7 Champs with 3 stars route.If you have Sword of the Divine get Lee Sin as 8th champ to get 8 Divines!If you don't have Sword of the Divine get Sett as 8th Champ.

Recommended Anomalies
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Sunfire Cape
Sword of the Divine
Rabadon's Deathcap
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet

Team Carries

Gargoyle Stoneplate
Sunfire Cape
Sword of the Divine
Rabadon's Deathcap
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet

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zincKat | December 16, 2020 11:46pm
Tried it on low elo, absolutely broken ez win. Thanks for team comp and guide :)
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