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In most cases you want to roll with Level 4 in Stage 3-1 either to 30 gold or lower if you feel confident you can finish a 3 Star unit to stabilize. Recover your economy back to 50 gold and slow roll your interest for 3 Stars. Once you have Cho'Gath and Cassio you can start pushing Levels to add more Bruiser or Ixtal units with Wood Element to stack bonus HP for Cho'Gath until the end.
Bruiser Emblem usually goes on Cassio/Mordekaiser. If you find the Emblem late it can go on Ryze/K'Sante. Cho'Gath tends to prefer tank items like Bramble, Dclaw, Redemption, but also has other good options like Anima Visage. You can also itemize Reksai*3 or Ryze as additional win condition.
Bruiser Cho'Gath
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Stage 2
Open with Bruiser, try to farm Cho'Gath stacks early. You only need to stack one Cho'Gath, if you upgrade him to 2 star the stacks won't combine. Maximize your economy and collect Cho'Gath, Renekton and Cassiopeia.
Stage 3
Depending on how contested you are you want to roll in Stage 3-1 with Level 4. You can roll to 30 gold, or down to 10 gold if you are confident in finding a 3 Star unit to stabilize. Recover your economy back to 50 gold and slow roll your interest for more 3 Stars. Wait with third Cho'Gath item until Stage 3-2 Augment in case you get Ornn or Radiant item.
Stage 4
Once you have your 3 Stars you want to start pushing towards Level 7. If you have an early Bruiser Emblem you can give it to Cassio and run 6 Bruiser once you find Sejuani.
Stage 5+ Six bruisers with Cassio
If you don't have Emblem you want to push for Level 8 and add Sion for 6 Bruiser. You can also run Reksai*3 with items as additional win condition. Usually your best add in late game is Ryze, unless you have a bad region for him. If you have +1 to Shurima you can also run 4 or even 6 Shurima in late game.
If you have Wood Ixtal you can run 2 Ixtal early and stack Cho'Gath early. You can also roll for Milio*3 as an alternative for Malzahar*3. In late game it is okay to give up the Wood Hex for better positioning, the extra HP is not worth if your opponent is running K'Sante and has an easy time kicking him out.
Item Builds
Good items are Redemption, Bramble Vest, Dragon's Claw and Adapative Helm. Ionic Spark is okay, but is usually better on Renekton*3 next to Cho'Gath. Best Artifact is Anima Visage, but you can also start with Mogul in Stage 2-1. Best Radiant Items are Dragon's Will and Absolution. Can also run sustain items like Bloodthirster or AP items like Archangel for scaling. Warmog is not recommended, use your Belts for Redemption and Sunfire instead.
If you find early Bruiser Emblem you can give it to Cassio. If she already has three items you can give Emblem to Mordekaiser/Aatrox/Bel'Veth. Cho'Gath works well with Shurima Emblem and you can include 4 or 6 Shurima in late game.
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