About This Team Comp
Camilly Carry
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
Stage 2
Find out your first Admin program as fast as possible, you prefer anything involving gaining AD and HP, especially for Admin units. You are only looking for Camille Hero Augments, preferably "Adaptive Defenses".
Stage 3
Your best case is to find Camille Hero Augment in Stage 3-2. Push for Level 6 androll a bit to stabilize if necessary (at least find Camille*2). For the most part you want to stay above 50 gold and roll your interest for Camille*3. It's possible to roll Vi as well, but since she is too contested, it's unlikely you will find her. roll a bit to stabilize if necessary (at least find Camille*2).
Stage 4
You want to roll down around Stage 4-2 to force Camille*3 and look to push for level after. Add Alistar and replace Sylas with Viego. If you have Renegade Emblem you can also keep Sylas on the Bench to add 6 Renegade in late game.
Stage 5+
Your goal is to add more Aegis units, play a strong Viego*2 as a secondary Carry and add Leona in late game. If you have Renegade Heart/Emblem you should aim for 6 Renegade as your win condition.
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