About This Team Comp
The comp aims to buff up these 2 units with the legend and dragonmancer traits, with cavaliers as the sacrificial units to give them an insane amount of resistances at the start of combat
Volibear's best items are Guinsoos, Bloodthirster and QSS; HoJ and Gunblade can also work in stead of BT but aren't ideal. You can drop the healing item and run a 3rd damage item if you get a good healing augment
Chalice is a good item in this comp as it gets 1.5x value on Volibear since it also buffs the sacrificial unit
Cavalier emblem is a huge power spike in this comp, giving all your legends +40 resistances
This comp aims to level to 7 and roll down for a 2 star board, before hitting level 8 or rolling for 3 star Volibear
You can play this comp with a lot of openers, but a dragonmancer/jade board is ideal
standard level 7
This is the baseline board to work towards at level 7. Cavalier emblem spikes this board really hard
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
standard level 6
You can run a simple jade/dragonmancer opener before level 7. Sett carries your Volibear items and Braum carries your Ornn items
early volibear level 6
If you find an early Volibear you can also run this variation with cavaliers. Lillia carries your Ornn items
Level 7 tempest variation
If you don't need the healing from jade, you can also run this variation which includes Lee Sin for tempest
Level 8 tempest variation
Again, if you don't need the healing from jade, you can run Lee Sin for tempest. At level 8 you slot in Hecarim for cavalier 3 and Yasuo replaces Karma
level 8 jade variation
From the standard board at level 8, just put in Hecarim for Cavalier 3
Level 8 Cavalier 2 Variation
This is another variation at level 8 which drops cavalier 3 for tempest and replaces Karma with Soraka
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